We are very honored to welcome "Vietnam Productivity Institute" to survey the Lean & SixSigma project at BHT Technology factory on May 12, 2017. On the company's side, there was Mr. Tran Van Tuong - General Director and BHT's leadership team who shared about the needs as well as learned about production and business activities and production management organization at the BHT factory.
BHT Technology is very honored to welcome "Vietnam Productivity Institute" to survey the Lean & SixSigma project at BHT Technology factory on May 12, 2017. On the company's side, there were Mr. Tran Van Tuong - General Director and the BHT leadership team who shared about the needs as well as learned about production and business activities and production management organization at the BHT factory.
Some representative images:
Partner of "Vietnam Productivity Institute"