When purchasing any product from BHT Technology, customers can rest assured about the quality of goods as well as product warranty service because BHT Technology always provides customers with reputable, quality, exported products. Clear origin and reliable warranty conditions
I. Warranty commitment of BHT Technology
When purchasing any product from BHT Technology, customers can rest assured about the quality of goods as well as product warranty service because BHT Technology always provides customers with reputable, quality, exported products. Clear origin and reliable warranty conditions. Please refer to BHT Technology's warranty information below:
II. Warranty and repair policy information:
1. Products have warranty cards and company warranty stamps:
Electrical panel cabinets: 12 months from delivery date
Transformer support: 12 months from date of delivery
Cable ladder: 12 months from delivery date
Air duct: 12 months from delivery date
Types of electrical grid accessories:
• Type of accessories included with the warranty card: According to the period stated on the warranty card
• Accessories without warranty card: 03 months from delivery date
Note: To ensure warranty benefits, customers should request BHT Technology to provide an invoice when purchasing the product and present this invoice when in need of warranty.
2. There is no warranty for accessories included with the product, except for products with a warranty card
3. During the warranty period, defects and technical problems caused by manufacturer errors, or goods quality errors or goods that do not meet the company's standards will be repaired free of charge. .
4. The product is not warranted in the following cases:
Damage due to natural disasters, misuse of instructions or natural wear and tear of product accessories during use, for example: fire, explosion, unstable power source, liquid entering, cracks due to crashed, lost...
Damage due to intrusion by animals and insects
The product has been altered or repaired at places other than specified
Products are defective or damaged due to use with other, non-genuine accessories, products, dependent devices, and peripheral devices.
The product label, serial number or stamp on the product is no longer intact, illegible or does not belong to BHT Technology.
Invalid warranty card (information on the card is incomplete, torn, erased or modified); There is no warranty card or no warranty data on the company's data system.
The product is out of warranty period
5. In case of replacing accessories, BHT Technology will take back the damaged accessories of the product. BHT Technology has the right to use new accessories and recycled accessories to fix product defects.
III. Questions and complaints about warranty issues:
- For any questions or complaints regarding warranty issues, please contact:
BHT Technology customer service:
• Phone: (08) 3726 2168 - 2240 3604
• Fax: (08) 3726 1800
• Email: bht@bht.vn
• Website: www.bht.vn; bhttechnology.vn
"Thank you for your interest in and use of BHT Technology products"